Hvorfor er trådløse bremser så populære for personer med funksjonsnedsettelse?
Ved å kontakte din ergo – eller fysioterapaut kan du i dag få innvilget SmartBrake gjennom NAV til din sykkel eller sykkelfront for rullestol. Vi
Ved å kontakte din ergo – eller fysioterapaut kan du i dag få innvilget SmartBrake gjennom NAV til din sykkel eller sykkelfront for rullestol. Vi
The grip challenge.When getting a bike, it’s easy to think that the brake levers are what they are. For the elderly, children, and people with
Over the last couple of years, we have had the pleasure of delivering SmartBrake to our customers across many countries. Based on valuable user feedback
Ellen has had epilepsy all her life. She has learned to live with unexpected seizures and tries to avoid the disease placing restrictions on her
Studier viser at 50% av alle aktivitetshjelpemidler sjelden eller aldri blir brukt slik intensjonen var ved tildeling. Viktige faktorer er mangel på motivasjon, mestring, tilpasning
SmartBrake – going global Nice to meet you at the trade fair in 2022! Below you will find more information about the unique and patented
Cross-country skiing provides effective and gentle training for the whole body; heart, oxygen uptake and muscle mass. It is preventive for your health! Which makes
SmartBrake skal på messeturne og vi gleder oss til å se deg! Du finner oss på stand sammen med Medema og svarer på alle dine
The early phase of a child’s cycling career can be described as speed and direction being out of control. Anxious parents are running behind, ready
The use of bicycles adapted for the disabled has become very popular, and the selection of bicycles is increasing every year. At the same time,
Traditional bicycle brakes are essentially universally designed; The “one-size-fits-all” principle enables mass production at the lowest possible cost. It does not consider that not everyone
SmartGroup AS
Fornebuveien 46
1366 Lysaker, Norway
NO999 615 147 MVA
The brake activator applies brake force to the caliper so that you don’t have to! Read more about the brake unit.
Operate the brake and parking wirelessly from 20 meters distance with this small remote. Read more about the hand controller.