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RS Remote Trigger Compatible guide

RollerSafe - brake trigger and adapter

RS Remote Trigger fits with our adapter to Swix handlebars.
The brake trigger is mounted on top of your ski pole. We have developed an adapter that fits only Swix handlebars 16mm round. This handlebar can be purchased in our webstore, or you can buy the complete pole in a sports store.

RollerSafe adapter for brake trigger
Swix handle 16mm round

It is easy to remove the handlebar and change to a new one! Here is our guide:

  1. Fill a bowl with water around 75 degrees.
  2. Put the handlebar that sits on the pole into the water bowl for a few minutes.
  3. Take the pole out and drag it off the pole.
  4. Place the new handlebar on the pole before the glue hardens. Align and wait a few minutes for it to be settled.

You can use a cross-country ski pole for roller skiing, but you will need to change the ferrule from snow to summer.

Rs trigger mounted at adapter
Rs trigger mounted to handle with adapter

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