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Er det en sykkelbrems tilpasset brukere med epilepsi?

Ellen has had epilepsy all her life. She has learned to live with unexpected seizures and tries to avoid the disease placing restrictions on her activities. She wants to be active and independent like others. Ellen wants to ride her bicycle. It creates endless opportunities and the feeling of being able to participate. It does […]

Mer aktivitet og gjenbruk med SmartBrake

Studier viser at 50% av alle aktivitetshjelpemidler sjelden eller aldri blir brukt slik intensjonen var ved tildeling. Viktige faktorer er mangel på motivasjon, mestring, tilpasning og opplæring. SmartBrake kan være del av løsningen. Har du et aktivitetshjelpemiddel du ønsker bruke mer, men trenger tilpassede og tryggere bremser for deg selv eller ledsager, kontakt oss! Vi […]

Hvorfor er IPR viktig?

SmartGroup was the first company to be granted a patent for wireless bicycle brakes in early 2021. Since then, we have received two new patent grants on new technology applications for wheelchairs, rollators, trolleys, and more. The patents cover unique features such as automatic parking brake and lock, adjustable brake lever, and wireless companion brake. […]

Svakere grep - smartere brems

In 2018-2019, we conducted a user study together with a leading Norwegian rehabilitation center. The purpose was to identify the need for better bicycle brakes adapted for people with disabilities. The study confirmed our hypotheses that many people struggle to use traditional brakes, and we have later conducted studies of similar user needs at an […]

SmartBrake på Naidex 15-16 Sept

SmartBrake teams up with Tomcat Trike to demonstrate the World’s most advanced Wireless Braking System at Naidex 2021! Double Queen’s Award-Winning British Trike Manufacturer Tomcat Special Needs Innovation (SNI) Ltd, partner with Norwegian company SmartBrake, to showcase patented technology at the 46th edition of Naidex on the 15th-16th September. Both organisations pride themselves in the […]

SmartBrake vist i ABC News

Det nasjonale mediehuset i Australia, ABC News, viser SmartBrake i TV-sendingen på søndag! God jobb av vår lokale distributør! 

Tildelt patent - trådløs sykkelbrems

In 1817, the first bicycle brake was introduced by German inventor Karl Drais. The “spoon brake” was the first in a long series of brake solutions to be applied on bikes. The principle has remained fairly unchanged for 200 years; drum, rim or disc brakes – all wired and mechanic. Until now. Last month, SmartGroup […]

Vi styrker teamet med ergoterapeut Ana Maria!

SmartGroup AS has hired Ana Maria Danielsen as a sales and product advisor. She will be responsible for following up our customers and distributors of SMART BRAKE. Ana Maria is a trained occupational therapist from NTNU, and has 4 years of experience with assistive technology in Oslo and Ålesund municipalities. Ana Maria is very committed […]

Fellesdelen i SmartBrake

Bremseaktivatoren gjør den tunge jobben, slik at du kun trenger å bevege en finger for å bremse! brake unit.

Når selvstendighet og ekstra sikkerhet er din prioritet

Betjen brems og parkering trådløst fra 20 meters avstand med denne lille fjernkontrollen. hand controller.