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Assemble your kit

Turn on the system

Charge the brake unit

Charge the brake lever

Synchronize a remote with the Master brake unit

Error light signals





Fail-Safe signals

No USB light in fail safe mode = Brake units battery is critically low

Blue USB light in fail safe mode = Brake unit lost contact with remote

The remote that lost contact flashes blue when triggering

Yellow USB light in fail safe mode = Remote battery is critically low

The remote that caused fail-safe in case of critically low battery flashes red every other second

No USB light in fail safe mode = Brake units battery is critically low

Blue USB light in fail safe mode = Brake unit lost contact with remote

The remote that lost contact flashes blue when triggering

Yellow USB light in fail safe mode = Remote battery is critically low

The remote that caused fail-safe in case of critically low battery flashes red every other second

Fellesdelen i SmartBrake

Bremseaktivatoren gjør den tunge jobben, slik at du kun trenger å bevege en finger for å bremse! brake unit.

Når selvstendighet og ekstra sikkerhet er din prioritet

Betjen brems og parkering trådløst fra 20 meters avstand med denne lille fjernkontrollen. hand controller.